Psalm 68:1-3, 17-18
David trusted God; he knew God's character and His promises. But like us, David still had times of discouragement. Have you ever felt like you were up to your neck in trouble, and help seemed nowhere in sight? David surely did. When he wrote this psalm, he was floundering in a pit of depression, with no way to escape. He did the best thing anybody could do. He told the Lord exactly what He was feeling, and begged for help. This is an important thing to remember: God understands how we feel when we are in the depths of despair just as He does when we are strong, confident and trusting. Even Jesus cried out to the Father, expressing anguish and pain as He was faced with crucifixion. God doesn't need us to manufacture a confidence we don't feel. Faith doesn't mean closing your eyes and pretending that you think it will be all right. Go to God honestly. Tell Him you're scared to death, depressed, or miserable. David models the kind of faith we need in his plea for help. He was worn out, discouraged, and couldn't see God. But he called God for help, even though he couldn't feel faith. He believed and so he asked. Don't wait for feelings. Tell God how you really are, and then ask Him for help.
Make a practice of writing down your prayer requests, and also the answers you receive. You will find that this record is very encouraging to your faith.
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