Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Devotional Day 10

Psalm 46:1-3

God isn't on call only sometimes. His refuge doesn't have visiting hours, or a "Closed for Vacation" sign. God is ever-present. That means that He is always present, and that He is present everywhere. There cannot be a time or a place where God is not available to you. Therefore, because of this, no matter what happens you can be confident and unafraid. Even if your whole world is tumbling down, even if you are on the point of death, even when the earth is breaking apart at the seams, you can be fearless. God is the perfect refuge. He doesn't have any weak spots that the enemy can penetrate. He will never accidentally drop us. He never forgets that we are there. He never runs out of room.

What was the most terrifying experience that you have ever gone through? Looking back, can you see the hand of God in this? Could you sense this at the time? Does realizing His presence change the way you look at what happened?

A youtube link of a great song called "Safe" by Phil Wickham


Enjoy and God Bless!

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