Monday, October 25, 2010

Devotional Day 15

James 1:14-15

Sin is dangerous, fast-growing poisonous plant. Anyone who knows anything about gardening knows one basic fact: it is easier to deal with weeds if you pull them out before they are five feet tall and scattering seeds all over the place. Sin is the same way. It has to be nipped in the bud. It has to be yanked out when it is barely started. If you don't, the sin will grow. It will become bigger and bigger, worse and worse, until eventually it is totally beyond your control. And a life that is totally choked out by huge weeds is a useless life. It leads to death. Don't let sin become full grown in your life. Pull it out when it is small and young.

Do you recognize seedling sins in your life? Take some time to think through what you are doing, and see if you have any bad habits or sinful attitudes starting, If you root them out now, they won't have a chance to go to seed.

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